The distance of Khodaldham temple is 14 km from Jetpur, 63 km from Rajkot, 48 km from Junagadh.Private vehicles and GSRTC Buses are available to reach the temple. Visitors coming from Rajkot, turn towards Kagvad from Kagvad village board on the National Highway between Virpur and Jetpur. Visitors coming from Junagadh, turn towards Kagvad from Kagvad village board between Jetpur and Virpur. Khodaldham temple is only 4 km from National Highway.
Nearest railway stations from Khodaldham Temlpe are Virpur and Jetpur. It is 14.5 km. from Jetpur (Nawagadh) railway station, while the distance from Virpur railway station is 8.6 km. The temple can be reached from the railway station through any private vehicle.
The nearest airport to Khodaldham Temple is Hirasar Airport - Rajkot (95 km). Khodaldham temple can be reached by road or rail from Hirasar Airport - Rajkot.
Distance to various places from Khodaldham Temple:
Junagadh - 48 km
Rajkot- 63 km
Sasan-Gir - 105 km
Porbandar-126 km
Somnath- 143 km
Palitana - 159 km
Bhavnagar- 174 km
Dwarka - 229 km